Last week, from March 21-25, 2011, we had our Center Of Learning refresher course that aims to assist us in passing the Berlitz. We listened to previous Berlitz recordings, both passed and failed assessments. We also practiced with the members of the Recruitment Team and we got some tips on How to Pass the Berlitz Test. Each one of us was asked to write the tips we got on a piece of Cartolina.
1. Choose words carefully.
2. Speak at a normal pace. Not too slow, not too fast.
3. Take a deep breathe, relax, and be yourself.
4. Proper use of articles and don’t use a monotone voice.
5. Organize your thoughts first.
6. Use simple words and work on prepositions.
7. Don’t overuse an article.
8. Learn how to pause. In that way, you’ll have more time to organize additional information.
9. Converse in a neutral accent.
10. Don’t go into too much details.
11. Don’t hold your thoughts and speak out.
12. Be a bit slang.
13. Don’t rush yourself to answer the question.
14. Use proper tenses.
15. Instead of using “person”, use “people”. This is when you are describing a group of people.
16. Try to sound more enthusiastic.
Are you also a callboy? Do you have a first hand experience with Berlitz? Please do share some other tips on how to pass it.