July 30, 2010

"The Last Airbender"

Whenever a blockbuster movie like this is shown in cinemas, I wish for the nth time that Oreo is with me.

Although I've heard and read a lot of negative remarks about the movie, I went ahead and watched it in Trinoma. It turns out to be a good movie!

I'm a fan of this anime series. I like the concept of the 4 elements combined with Asian myth. The character of the Avatar was based on the concept of the Dalai Lama -- how he is reborn and how does his follower select him.

I've also been exposed to the concept of the 4 elements from Ragnarok Online. That game used the concept entirely in the game. I'm not surprised that Fire dominates Earth and Air dominates Water. Sort of.

But I can wait for Oreo's return. I'm very confident that my wait is worth it. I will have a constant companion whenever I watch movies like this. Oreo himself is a movie fanatic.

I love you Oreo!

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